What Our Patients Say About

Enriched-Platelet Therapy with PRP Will Stop the Pain and Restore Your Quality of Life

The Non‐Surgical Alternative for Healing Chronic Joint, Back, Neck, and Foot Pain

“It totally worked for me!”

Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain in Left Foot

  • On feet all day for work
  • Sought relief from pain for 1.5 years
  • Pain ranged from 5 to 8 on a 10-point scale
  • Consulted with 5 podiatrists, 2 chiropractors, an acupuncturist, and a natural healer.
  • Tried many types of standard and novel treatments, including cortisone shots.
  • Did not want to risk complications from surgery.

Laurie – School Teacher

Healed with one treatment

“The pain went completely away in 3 months”

“It has been 9 months (since my treatment) and I am still pain free”

“It’s a Miracle”

— Laurie, Patient

“My feet hurt so bad, it felt like someone was beating them up with a ball-peen hammer.”

Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain in Both Feet

  • For more than 15 years, the bottom of his feet ached when he walked.
  • Over the past three years, it got progressively worse until he could hardly walk.
  • Five different podiatrists couldn’t heal the pain.
  • Podiatrists wanted to operate on his feet.
  • He did not want to risk complications from surgery.
  • The pain has not returned for over 8 years, on either foot.

Harold – Active Retiree

Healed with one treatment

“Almost immediately (after the treatment), I could tell a difference.”

“As the weeks went on, the pain in my feet went completely away.”

“You need to come and get it done, Because it works!”

— Harold, Patient

“PRP is helping me function better every day… It changed my life.”

Stage 4 Osteoarthritis in Left Knee

  • Had painful knee problems for years and previous meniscus-repair surgery.
  • Bone-on-bone pain caused constant dull ache and insomnia.
  • Took more and more over-the-counter pain pills.
  • Unable to compete in triathlons.
  • Orthopedic surgeon recommended replacing the knee— when pain became unbearable.

Jason – Serious Tri-Athlete

Healed with two treatments.

“It’s easier to get in and out of the car. It’s easier to go up and down steps”

“It was a great relief, for me, not to have to swallow a bunch of pills, just to get through the day.”

“My only regret is I took so long to do it.”

— Jason, Patient

“I felt like (PRP) was more of a God thing because I’m using my own blood. It’s natural.”

Rotator Cuff Tears in Shoulders and Osteoarthritis in Both Knees

  • Pain limited function in both shoulders; couldn’t raise his right arm above his head.
  • Right shoulder pain was 15 on a 10-point scale.
  • Unable to climb ladders or stairs due to bone-on-bone knee pain. It was difficult to walk.
  • Tried many drugs and therapies but couldn’t heal the pain.
  • Was about to quit his job because he hurt so bad.
  • Wasn’t willing to take the risk of knee surgery.

Gayland – Construction Worker

Healed with one treatment in each knee and each shoulder.

“On the fourth day (after PRP treatment in both knees), I went back to work… I was feeling immensely better. A lot of the pain was gone!”

“I never had a problem with my shoulders since then (PRP treatment 2.5 years ago). In two weeks, they were both feeling great!”

— Gayland, Patient

Are you seeking permanent healing and pain relief?

To Schedule a Consultation
Call 941.955.5858

Are You a Good Candidate for
Enriched‐Platelet Therapy?