Enriched-Platelet Therapy—with PRP—Will Get You Back on Your Feet!

Enriched Platelets (PRP) Heal Damaged Tissues that Cause Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Pain

  • A large and growing body of PRP research shows similar results to this study.
  • Ultrasound and MRI images show definitive tissue repair after Enriched-Platelet Therapy.
  • This research confirms that actual tissue repair and healing are occurring.


“The cortisone group’s long-term results were disappointing.”

— Dr. Raymond Monto

“The PRP patients had greater pain before their treatment. But they enjoyed much better, longer-lasting results than the cortisone patients.”

— Dr. Daniel Kassicieh

Enriched Platelet Therapy with PRP Restarts the Body’s Natural Healing Cascade

  1. Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Often Progresses Into Plantar Fasciosis

Fasciitis is a healthy, temporary inflammatory response to injury . It triggers the natural healing cascade.

Fasciosis is a semi-permanent, deteriorated state.

  • Scar tissues and micro-tears restrict blood supply, starving the area of oxygen and nutrients,
  • The fascia is often inflamed and deteriorated.
  • The fascia becomes weak, frayed, and fragile.

When this condition persists for 6 to 12 months, your natural healing processes “give up” on healing the injured tissues. and direct resources to other areas.

  1. Concentrated Platelets (PRP) Trigger Your Natural Healing Cascade

The high concentration of platelets suspended in plasma;

  • Takes about 60 seconds to inject,
  • Supplies more than 1,000 growth factors and healing proteins, per platelet,
  • Has almost zero risk of rejection, infection, or complications,
  • Each phase of the healing cascade activates the next phase of repair.
  1. Growth Factors on the Platelets Attract Healing Resources

Chemical messengers on the platelets:

  • Immediately signal more growth factors, cytokines, fibroblasts, and other natural healing resources to migrate to the injured area,
  • Recruit healing resources from your entire body,
  • Increase the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your injured tissues,
  • Activate the repair and regeneration of blood vessels, nerves, ligaments, and other damaged tissues.
  1. Natural Processes Repair, Regenerate, and Strengthen Your Damaged Tissues

As healing progresses:

  • More repair agents, growth factors, macrophages, fibroblasts, and nutrients are recruited to rebuild your injured tissue,
  • New cells, tissues, blood vessels, and collagen matrixes are generated, micro-tears are repaired and your fascia becomes healthy, strong, and flexible.
  • Each step of the healing cascade activates the next phase of repair.
  1. The Pain Fades Away and Healing Continues Until It Is Complete

Optimum recovery occurs between 2-3 months after the treatment:

  • Pain relief typically starts within 2 to 14 days,
  • You can quickly return to your normal, active lifestyle,
  • Over time, pain is dramatically reduced or eliminated and usually does not return,
  • The healing process continues until the injuries causing the pain are fully repaired,
  • Damaged tissues regain nearly all of their pre-injury strength and mobility.

Enriched-Platelet Therapy Doesn’t Mask the Symptoms; It Heals the Damaged Tissues that Cause the Pain

It is natural, simple, and effective with essentially no risks or side effects.

To Schedule a Consultation
Call 941.955.5858

Meet Florida’s Plantar Fasciitis & Foot Pain Specialist, Dr. Daniel Kassicieh